The noon time rays of Tribeca's red sun could not penetrate the waters of Dapers Reef. The deeply blue-orange waters were still as death, no wind blew on this day. The seas of Tribeca were treacherous and as unpredictable as flame; only sanctioned ships were allowed to go out on the waters. That included everything from fishing boats to warships. Only a certain fish were allowed to be brought back to land. People feared the creatures of the sea, creatures that lived in the deep dark, not even the shallowest of waters were brightened by the sun. The sea creatures, fish and other things, were said to be at war with those on land and legends told of them rising from the depths to overthrow 'air-breathers'. Land dwellers were wary to eat of the offerings of the seas for fear of poisoning from those that lived in the water.
None of this mattered to Wake as he loaded the mid size cruiser that he had bought for he and Ebon's journey. The cruiser was a sleek contraption built for speed. It had the option of oars and sails and a small cabin below its top deck. A day had passed since Wake sent Ebon into the Steridian Forest. He thought worriedly of Ebon's safety. He wasn't ready. Wake knew it when he sent him in, but Wake also knew that Ebon would have to adapt and survive and get through the forests. The lesson of survival would far better prepare him than anything Wake could teach him. As long as he stayed away from the Azurine Cliffs. The only thing awaiting Ebon there was death. Wake thought back on his last words to Ebon, perhaps he was too harsh, too hard on Ebon. He should have told him how he felt towards him...no...those thoughts would only be a distraction Ebon didn't need. If He hadn't made it to the sea by the end of the third day Wake would go looking for him. His feelings for the youth were genuine and he had come to love Ebon.
The sound of bells in the far distance caught in Wake's ears. Bells? Bells were used only on royal steeds. DaChase's men were approaching. Wake quickly said an incantation to make the boat only seen by himself and Ebon and dashed into the under brush of trees along the beach. He waited silently in the cool shadows for the approaching horses. The thudding of hooves got louder and louder as DaChase's guard thundered down the beach. Wake counted seven men in total from the vibrations they made along the sandy earth. The smell of their sweat combined with that of the horses made for a foul odor upon the fresh sea air. They stopped right in front of where Wake's ship was docked. it was the only place a ship could dock on the dangerous reef. Dismounting their steeds the men spread about the beach and began to set up camp.
Wake knew that he had to act. He could not afford to have the men waiting around when Ebon emerged from the forest. Two of the men were relieving themselves right next to him as he prepared to strike. Quickly and soundlessly Wake lept into the air, twisting one of the men's heads backwards. The second moved to act but Wake sliced off the man's still urinating penis, caught it and shoved it down the guardsman's throat as he instinctively began to scream. Wake then gouged the man's eyes into his brain, killing him. He quickly drug the two bodies into the under brush before the others saw them. Three other men along the water fell just as easily as Wake lodged three throwing spikes into the bases of their necks and throats. With inhuman speed Wake ran at the backs of the last two guardsmen to take them down before they were alerted by the sounds of their dead comrades hitting the water. Wake launched himself feet first at the back of one the guards, wrapping his legs around the guard's neck snapping it then swinging around in the same motion and kicking the man's face backwards as he fell into the sand. Wake turned to face his final opponent but had his legs swept from under him by crimson strands. Wake fell to the beach but was instantly back on his feet, turned to face the last guard. Wake's unseeing eyes did not register the guard's mystical transforming from man to woman, revealing himself to actually be Simona.
Simona opened her mouth and spat fire at Wake which he managed to dodge, though singeing his feet. Running towards her, he launched a quick succession of hand signs. Simona dodged Wake as he ran by, her hair, coming to life, grabbed his neck as he passed, interrupting his enchantment. Simona snapped him backwards flinging him into nearby coral rocks. Before Wake could recover Simona was on him, clawing him with elongated nails. Wake grabbed Simona's neck and with his free hand brought a coral rock around to her head. He kept smashing the rock against her forehead until Simona fell motionless into the water, blood pouring from her crushed cranium. Wake exhaustedly moved away from her body but was grabbed by his legs and pulled backwards. Wake was lifted into the air and twisted around to come face to face with a dragoness. Simona had lost control for her abilities and started to take shape to her true form. Her tail was holding Wake aloft in the air as she swung her claws at him, tearing his flesh. Simona clapped his ears, deafening him and also causing him to lose his sound-based sight. Dropping him, Simona began to stomp Wake into unconsciousness. Once Wake was defeated Simona drug him back to the shore, retaking her human form. Waiting for her was DaChase and a full battalion of his men.
Meanwhile, Ebon ran. Chasing him were a pair of witches flying through the trees as Ebon swung and jumped from branch to branch. Ebon grabbed one of the branches and held it back waiting for one of the witches to come within range. One of the screaming women drew close as he released it, flinging the branch back upon her. A loud 'crack' was heard as Ebon looked back to see the witch impaled on the branch through her face. Unsheathing his sword that he had taken from the wild men, Ebon ran towards the other witch as she came towards him as well.
Again, I love it... You have such an imaginative mind... I can't wait to read the next chapter, so hurry up and finish...
Your most action-packed chapter yet! Or perhaps 'scene' or 'sequence' is more apt. It zips along at a hundred miles an hour & is thoroughly entertaining in a bloodthirsty way. And some sense of geography is emerging, which is great as a sense of landscape is so important for good fantasy...
Johnny G
So I finally acquired a lil' bit of time and decided to print out the remaining Tribeca chapters I haven't read and enjoy them in a nice hot bath. Bad idea-- nudity + that scene with DaChase and Simona = ... let's just say I got happy. :)
Seriously though-- kudos on a great last couple of installments! I love where this is all going. I'm so enthralled with the characters. I love character-driven stories. And I also love your writing style. So pretty-- yet so raunchy! I don't think I've ever read more beautiful sentences about dismemberment-- haha!
As I said before, DaChase is my favorite. And although I was upset to see him so wounded in the beginning-- I'm glad he's pulled through and is now stronger and more sinister! Yummy bad-boys! And, yeah, like I said before, the part with him and Simona is pretty frikkin' hot. I like Simona too, btw.
Lovely scene with Ebon vs. the wild people. Ebon doesn't ignite my fires as a character just yet because he is a little too stoic at this point. I want to see him vulnerable. Im sure it's coming...
Finally, I'm glad to see Wake get what was coming o him. He's cool and all, but too confident for a goodguy. I was glad to see him taken down a peg! haha!
Once again, great story. I am so tempted to drawn Count DaChase but I have so much other crap goin' on. Maybe I'll squeeze it in one of these days. You should email me pics of what he'd look like clothes-wise. wink wink!
Thanks JC for all the kind words and i am glad that you are enjoying the run so far..same to you johnny and mj....I apologize for not updating in awhile..i have been incredibly busy with school ensuring that i pass all my courses..never again will i take 19 hrs of all writing intensive classes...
there will be more Tribeca to come soon...and yes i have paid attention to all the critiques and will address them in later installments.
oh and JC..i have no pics of DaChase to send you...just a mind's eye vision...if you want i can put together a character description of him for you....
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